Be careful making your project Open Source


As a developer, choosing the right license for your open source project is a crucial decision that can have far-reaching consequences. While it may be tempting to simply slap an MIT license on your repository and call it a day, it's essential to take the time to consider the implications of your choice carefully.

Selecting an appropriate open source license is not just about making your code accessible to others; it's also about protecting your interests and ensuring the long-term sustainability of your project.

Before you decide on a license, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you comfortable with others using your software for free, even if they make a profit from it?
  • Can you handle the potential success and growth of your project, including the time and resources required to maintain it?
  • What will you do if someone disagrees with your vision and forks your project?
  • How will you ensure the sustainability of your project in the long run?

Throughout this guide, we'll explore the implications of different open source licenses, examine real-world examples of license changes and conflicts, and provide guidance on how to customize a license to fit your project's unique goals and requirements.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a better understanding of:

  • The implications of the popular MIT license
  • The personal considerations to make before choosing a license
  • Real-world examples of license changes and conflicts
  • How to customize your license for project sustainability

Remember, as the author of the software, you have the power to determine what is allowed and what is not. Don't be afraid to stand firm in your licensing decisions, even if others complain. Your software is a product of your hard work and dedication, and you have the right to protect it as you see fit.

So, let's dive in and explore the world of open source licensing together!

Implications of the MIT License

The MIT License is one of the most popular open source licenses, known for its permissive nature and simplicity. However, before choosing the MIT License for your project, it's essential to understand the implications that come with it.

Giving Away Your Software for Free

When you release your software under the MIT License, you are essentially giving it away as a gift to the world. The license allows anyone to use, modify, and distribute your software without requiring payment or royalties. This means that you should not expect to make money directly from your open source project when using the MIT License.

Keep in mind that choosing the MIT License may limit your options for monetizing your software in the future.

Others Profiting from Your Work

One of the key implications of the MIT License is that it allows others to use your software for commercial purposes. This means that companies or individuals can take your open source project, modify it, and even sell it as part of their own products or services without owing you anything.

Consider the following scenarios:

  • A company integrates your open source library into their commercial application, generating significant revenue without contributing back to your project.
  • A startup builds their entire business model around your open source software, offering paid support, hosting, or additional features.

While these scenarios can be seen as a testament to the success and usefulness of your project, it's important to ask yourself:

  • Am I comfortable with others potentially making money from my work without any direct benefit to me?
  • Do I want to enable commercial use of my software, even by entities I may not agree with?

If the idea of others profiting from your work without giving back makes you uncomfortable, you may want to consider a different license or customize your license to better align with your goals.

Step 1

Reflect on your personal goals and values regarding your open source project. Consider whether you are comfortable with others using your software for commercial purposes without any obligation to compensate you or contribute back to the project.

Step 2

Evaluate the potential scenarios that may arise from using the MIT License, such as companies building profitable products based on your software or individuals offering paid services around your project. Determine if these scenarios align with your expectations and desires for your project.

Step 3

If you have concerns about the implications of the MIT License, explore alternative licenses or consider customizing your license to better suit your needs. Remember, as the project maintainer, you have the power to choose the license that best represents your values and goals.

By carefully considering the implications of the MIT License and its effects on your project's future, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your vision and ensures the long-term sustainability of your open source endeavor.

Giving Away Your Software for Free

When you choose to release your software project under the MIT license, you are essentially giving it away as a gift to the world. This means that anyone can use, modify, and distribute your software without paying you a dime. While this can be a noble and rewarding gesture, it's important to understand the implications of this decision.

The MIT License: A Closer Look

The MIT license is one of the most permissive open source licenses available. It allows users to:

  • Use your software for any purpose, including commercial applications
  • Modify your software to suit their needs
  • Distribute your software, either in its original form or with modifications
  • Sublicense your software, potentially profiting from it without sharing those profits with you

In essence, when you release your project under the MIT license, you are relinquishing control over how others use your work.

It's crucial to carefully consider whether the MIT license aligns with your goals and expectations for your project before releasing it under this license.

The Pros and Cons of Giving Away Your Software

Releasing your software under the MIT license can have both positive and negative consequences:


  • Increased visibility and adoption of your project
  • Opportunities for collaboration and community contributions
  • The satisfaction of knowing your work is helping others
  • Potential for your project to become a standard or widely-used tool in its domain


  • No direct financial compensation for your work
  • Limited control over how your software is used
  • Potential for others to profit from your work without sharing those profits
  • Responsibility for maintaining and supporting your project without a clear funding model

Making an Informed Decision

Before deciding to release your project under the MIT license, consider the following questions:

  1. Are you comfortable with others using your software for any purpose, including commercial applications?
  2. Do you have the time and resources to maintain and support your project without direct financial compensation?
  3. Are you prepared for the possibility that others may profit from your work without sharing those profits with you?
  4. Does the potential for increased visibility and adoption outweigh the lack of direct financial compensation?

If you're unsure about any of these points, it may be worth exploring alternative licensing options that better align with your goals and expectations. For more information, see the Customizing Your License section.

Remember, once you release your software under the MIT license, it can be difficult to change the licensing terms later on without causing disruption or confusion for your users.

By carefully considering the implications of giving away your software for free and weighing the pros and cons, you can make an informed decision that best serves your project and its long-term sustainability.

Others Profiting from Your Work

When you release your project under an open source license like the MIT license, you're essentially giving anyone the right to use, modify, and distribute your software for any purpose, including commercial use. This means that others have the opportunity to profit from your work without any obligation to compensate you or contribute back to the project.

It's crucial to consider whether you're comfortable with the idea of others making money from your project while you might not receive any financial benefits in return.

Here are some potential scenarios to think about:

  • A company integrates your open source software into their commercial product and sells it without contributing back to your project or providing any compensation.
  • An individual or organization uses your project to offer paid services or support, effectively profiting from your work without sharing the revenue.
  • A competitor forks your project, adds new features, and markets it as a superior alternative, potentially drawing users and revenue away from your original project.

These situations can be frustrating, especially if you've invested significant time and effort into your project. However, it's important to remember that this is a natural consequence of using a permissive open source license.

Weighing the Pros and Cons

Before choosing an open source license, consider the following:

  • Adoption and Collaboration: Permissive licenses like MIT can encourage wider adoption and collaboration, as users and developers feel more comfortable using and contributing to your project without legal restrictions.
  • Personal Satisfaction: If your primary goal is to create software that benefits the community and you derive satisfaction from seeing others use and build upon your work, then allowing commercial use might not be a concern.
  • Missed Opportunities: If your project gains significant popularity, you might miss out on potential revenue streams or the ability to monetize your work directly.

Alternative Licensing Options

If you're not comfortable with others profiting from your work without restrictions, you might consider alternative licensing options:

  • Dual Licensing: Offer your project under both a permissive open source license and a commercial license. This allows users to choose between the free, open source version and a paid version with additional features, support, or more favorable terms for commercial use.
  • Copyleft Licenses: Use a copyleft license like the GNU General Public License (GPL), which requires users to release any modifications or derivative works under the same license. This ensures that your project and its derivatives remain open source and can limit the ability of others to profit from your work without contributing back.
  • Custom Licenses: Create a custom license that reflects your specific goals and preferences, such as restricting commercial use, requiring attribution, or mandating contributions back to the project.

Remember, you have the right to choose the license that best aligns with your goals and values. Don't feel pressured to use a particular license just because it's popular or widely used in your community.

By carefully considering the implications of others profiting from your work and choosing an appropriate license, you can set your project on a path that balances your personal objectives with the potential for collaboration and growth.

Personal Considerations

Before choosing an open source license for your project, it's crucial to ask yourself some personal questions to ensure that the license aligns with your goals and expectations. These considerations will help you navigate potential challenges and maintain a healthy relationship with your open source project.

Failing to carefully consider the personal implications of your chosen license can lead to frustration, burnout, and even conflicts within the community.

Project Success and Sustainability

As your project grows and gains popularity, it's essential to be prepared for the increased responsibilities and demands that come with success. Consider the following:

  • Would you be able to dedicate more time to maintain and improve the project?
  • Are you willing to manage a growing community and address their concerns?
  • How will you handle the financial aspects of sustaining the project, such as accepting donations or exploring alternative funding models?

By answering these questions early on, you'll be better equipped to handle the challenges that arise as your project evolves. See the Project Success and Sustainability section for more details.

Disagreements and Forks

In the open source world, disagreements and project forks are common occurrences. It's essential to be mentally prepared for these situations:

  • How will you handle disagreements within the community regarding the project's direction or management?
  • Are you comfortable with the idea of someone forking your project and potentially creating a competing version?
  • Will you be able to maintain a positive attitude and collaborate with others, even in the face of conflicts?

Remember, open source licenses grant users the freedom to modify and distribute the software, which includes the right to create forks. Accepting this reality and having a plan in place will help you navigate these challenges more effectively. Read more about this in the Disagreements and Forks section.

Choosing a license that aligns with your personal values and goals can help minimize the likelihood of conflicts and ensure a more fulfilling open source experience.

By taking the time to honestly assess your personal considerations, you'll be better prepared to select a license that not only benefits your project but also ensures your own well-being and satisfaction as a project maintainer.

Project Success and Sustainability

When choosing an open source license for your project, it's essential to consider the potential for success and growth. While it may be exciting to think about your project gaining popularity, it's crucial to be prepared for the responsibilities and challenges that come with maintaining a successful open source project.

Handling Growth and Demand

As your project gains traction, you may face an increase in:

  • Issues and bug reports
  • Feature requests
  • Pull requests
  • Community management

It's important to ask yourself if you're ready to dedicate more time and resources to keep up with the growing demands of your project. Consider the following:

Step 1: Assess Your Availability

Determine if you have the time and energy to maintain the project alongside your other commitments, such as work, family, and personal life.

Step 2: Plan for Sustainability

Explore options for sustaining the project, such as:

  • Seeking donations or sponsorships
  • Creating a business model around the project
  • Collaborating with other maintainers or organizations

Balancing Open Source and Personal Life

Maintaining a successful open source project can be rewarding, but it can also be stressful and time-consuming. It's essential to strike a balance between your project and your personal life to avoid burnout.

Be honest with yourself about the amount of time and energy you can realistically dedicate to your project without sacrificing your well-being.

Consider setting boundaries and establishing clear guidelines for yourself and your contributors, such as:

  • Defining work hours and response times
  • Delegating tasks to trusted collaborators
  • Taking breaks when needed

Planning for the Future

As your project evolves, it's important to have a long-term plan in place. This may include:

  • Defining a roadmap for future development
  • Establishing governance models and decision-making processes
  • Considering the potential for commercialization or monetization

By thinking ahead and preparing for various scenarios, you can help ensure the sustainability and success of your project in the long run.

Remember, the success of your open source project is not just about the code—it's also about the community and the people behind it. By taking care of yourself and your contributors, you can foster a healthy and thriving open source ecosystem.

Disagreements and Forks

When you release your project under an open source license, it's essential to be prepared for the possibility of disagreements within the community and potential forks of your project. While these situations can be challenging, they are a natural part of the open source ecosystem and can often lead to growth and innovation.

Handling Disagreements

Disagreements can arise within an open source community for various reasons, such as differing opinions on the project's direction, feature prioritization, or governance. To navigate these situations effectively:

  • Establish clear communication channels: Encourage open and respectful discussions through issue trackers, forums, or mailing lists.
  • Define a code of conduct: Set expectations for behavior and outline consequences for violations to maintain a welcoming and inclusive community.
  • Be open to feedback: Listen to the concerns and ideas of your community members, and be willing to consider alternative perspectives.
  • Seek consensus: Strive to find common ground and make decisions that align with the project's goals and values.

Remember that disagreements can often lead to valuable insights and improvements for your project. Embrace constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to grow and evolve.

Dealing with Forks

When someone forks your project, they create a separate copy of the codebase that they can modify and develop independently. Forks can happen for various reasons, such as:

  • Disagreements over the project's direction
  • Desire to experiment with new features or approaches
  • Need for customization to suit specific use cases

While it can be unsettling to see your project forked, it's important to remember that this is an inherent part of open source. The ability to fork a project is a fundamental right granted by most open source licenses, including the MIT license.

When a fork occurs:

Step 1

Assess the situation: Determine the reasons behind the fork and whether there is an opportunity for collaboration or reconciliation.

Step 2

Communicate openly: Reach out to the maintainers of the fork to understand their goals and explore potential ways to work together.

Step 3

Focus on your project: Continue developing and improving your project according to your vision and the needs of your community.

In some cases, a fork may gain traction and become a viable alternative to your project. For example, the Revideo project, a fork of Motion Canvas, received funding from Y Combinator and positioned itself as an open source alternative to Remotion.

While such situations can be challenging, it's crucial to remember that the success of a fork does not diminish the value of your original project. Continue to innovate, collaborate with your community, and stay true to your project's goals and values.

If you are concerned about the potential for forks or the commercialization of your project, consider customizing your license to better align with your goals and sustainability requirements.

By being prepared for disagreements and forks, you can navigate these challenges with grace and maintain a thriving open source project.

Real-World Examples

In this section, we'll examine two real-world examples of open source projects that faced licensing challenges and conflicts. These examples highlight the importance of carefully considering your project's license and the potential consequences of your licensing decisions.

Redis and Amazon Web Services

Placeholder for the Redis and AWS subsection.

Motion Canvas and Revideo

Placeholder for the Motion Canvas and Revideo subsection.

These examples demonstrate that even well-established open source projects can face licensing challenges. It's crucial to think about potential scenarios and how your chosen license might impact your project's future.

Some key takeaways from these real-world examples:

  • Carefully consider the implications of your chosen license, especially regarding commercial use and potential forks.
  • Be prepared for the possibility of large companies or well-funded startups leveraging your open source work for their own gain.
  • Understand that changing your license later on can be difficult and may lead to conflicts within your project's community.

By studying these real-world examples, you can make more informed decisions when choosing a license for your own open source project. Remember, the license you choose can have significant long-term effects on your project's success and sustainability.

Redis and Amazon Web Services

The Redis license change is a prime example of how a project's choice of license can have significant consequences when a large company decides to commoditize the software for their own benefit.

Redis, an open-source in-memory data structure store, was initially released under the permissive BSD license. This allowed anyone, including companies like Amazon Web Services (AWS), to use and modify the software without contributing back to the project or compensating the original developers.

In 2018, AWS launched Amazon ElastiCache for Redis, a fully managed Redis service that directly competed with Redis Labs' commercial offering. This move effectively commoditized Redis' investment in the open-source project and its community.

The Redis Labs Response

Faced with this situation, Redis Labs decided to change the license of certain Redis modules from BSD to the more restrictive Apache 2.0 license with the Commons Clause. This new license prohibited companies from offering these modules as a commercial service without purchasing a commercial license from Redis Labs.

The Commons Clause is a license condition that prohibits the sale of the software as a service, effectively limiting the ability of cloud providers like AWS to offer the software commercially without contributing back to the project.

While this decision was controversial within the open-source community, it highlights the importance of carefully considering the long-term sustainability of a project when choosing a license.

Balancing Open Source and Sustainability

The Redis case illustrates the delicate balance between keeping a project open and accessible while also ensuring its long-term viability. When a large company like AWS can profit from a project without contributing back, it can threaten the project's sustainability and the livelihood of its maintainers.

As an open-source maintainer, it's crucial to consider the potential consequences of your licensing decisions:

  • How will you sustain the project if it becomes popular?
  • Are you comfortable with others profiting from your work without contributing back?
  • What measures can you take to protect the project's long-term viability?

By carefully weighing these factors and choosing a license that aligns with your goals, you can help ensure the success and sustainability of your open-source project. For more information on customizing your license, see the section on Customizing Your License.

Motion Canvas and Revideo

In the realm of programmatic video generation, an interesting situation has arisen between the motion canvas framework and its fork, Revideo. This example highlights the potential consequences of choosing an open source license without carefully considering the implications.

The Fork and Y Combinator Funding

Motion canvas is an open source framework that allows developers to create videos programmatically. However, a group of developers forked the project and created Revideo, positioning it as an open source alternative to Remotion.

What makes this situation particularly noteworthy is that Revideo has been funded by Y Combinator, a well-known startup accelerator. This funding suggests that Revideo has commercial interests and plans to monetize the forked project in the future.

The motion canvas developers have expressed their disapproval of the Revideo fork, as they believe it may compete with their original project and potentially harm its sustainability.

Implications for Open Source Licensing

The motion canvas and Revideo situation demonstrates the importance of carefully selecting an open source license that aligns with your project's goals and values. When a project is released under a permissive license, such as the MIT license, it allows others to:

  • Fork the project
  • Modify the codebase
  • Create competing products
  • Commercialize the forked project

As the original author of an open source project, it's essential to consider whether you are comfortable with these potential outcomes. If not, you may want to explore alternative licensing options that provide more control over how your project is used and distributed.

Balancing Open Source and Sustainability

While the idea of open source is appealing, it's crucial to find a balance between making your project accessible and ensuring its long-term sustainability. Consider the following steps when choosing a license for your open source project:

Step 1

Reflect on your project's goals and values. Determine what level of control you want to maintain over its use and distribution.

Step 2

Research various open source licenses and their implications. Understand the differences between permissive licenses (e.g., MIT, BSD) and more restrictive licenses (e.g., GPL, Apache).

Step 3

Consider customizing your license to address specific concerns, such as commercial use or attribution requirements.

Step 4

Clearly communicate your chosen license and its terms to potential contributors and users. Be transparent about your intentions and expectations.

By carefully selecting a license that aligns with your project's goals and values, you can foster a healthy open source community while protecting your interests and ensuring the project's sustainability.

Customizing Your License

When it comes to choosing a license for your open source project, you don't have to settle for a pre-existing license that doesn't quite fit your needs. You have the power to customize your license to align with your project's goals and ensure its long-term sustainability.

Customizing your license allows you to strike a balance between the open source spirit and your project's unique requirements.

The Remotion Example

In this subsection, we'll explore how modified the MIT license for their Remotion project to address their concerns about sustainability.

Standing Firm in Your Licensing Decisions

Here, we'll discuss the importance of standing by your licensing decisions and how to handle potential complaints or criticism from others.

When customizing your license, consider the following:

  • Your project's goals: What do you want to achieve with your project? Do you want to encourage widespread adoption, maintain control over its direction, or ensure its financial sustainability?

  • Potential use cases: Think about how others might use your project. Do you want to allow commercial use, modifications, or derivative works?

  • Compatibility with other licenses: If your project depends on or interacts with other open source projects, ensure that your custom license is compatible with their licenses to avoid legal issues.

Step 1

Start with an existing open source license that closely aligns with your goals. Popular choices include MIT, Apache 2.0, and GNU GPL.

Step 2

Modify the license text to address your specific concerns and requirements. This may include adding clauses related to commercial use, attribution, or patent rights.

Step 3

Have your custom license reviewed by a legal professional to ensure its enforceability and avoid potential loopholes or conflicts with other licenses.

Step 4

Apply your custom license to your project and clearly communicate its terms to your users and contributors.

Remember, as the project author, you have the right to determine how your software is used and distributed. Don't feel pressured to conform to popular licensing norms if they don't align with your vision.

By carefully crafting a custom license, you can strike a balance between the open source spirit and your project's long-term sustainability, setting it up for success in the future.

The Remotion Example

The author of the video generation framework, Remotion, Jonny Burger, faced a dilemma when deciding on the licensing for their project. They wanted to create an open source-like project while ensuring its sustainability. To achieve this, they took the following approach:

Step 1: Start with the MIT License

He began with the widely-used MIT license as a foundation for their custom license.

Step 2: Modify the License Terms

They altered the MIT license terms to better suit their project's goals:

  • Companies cannot use Remotion for free
  • Companies must obtain a commercial license to use Remotion

By making these changes, the author aimed to strike a balance between providing an open source-like experience for individual users and ensuring that companies contribute to the project's sustainability through commercial licensing.

The author mentioned that they did not consult a lawyer when creating their custom license. Instead, they used plain language to convey their intentions, emphasizing that the modified terms still apply.

This example demonstrates that project owners have the power to tailor licenses to fit their specific needs and goals. It's essential to consider factors such as:

  • Target audience (individual users, companies, etc.)
  • Desired level of openness
  • Sustainability and potential for commercialization

By carefully crafting a license that addresses these factors, project owners can set clear expectations for users and maintain control over how their software is used.

For more information on the implications of the MIT license and other licensing considerations, see the Implications of the MIT License and Personal Considerations sections.

Standing Firm in Your Licensing Decisions

Once you've carefully considered your project's goals and chosen a license that aligns with them, it's important to stand firm in your decision. Remember, as the author of the software, you have the right to determine how others can use and distribute your work.

If someone complains about the license you've chosen, don't feel obligated to change it to suit their preferences. Instead, politely explain your reasoning and the factors that led you to select that particular license.

Here are some tips for handling complaints or criticism about your chosen license:

  • Refer to the personal considerations you made when deciding on the license.
  • Explain how the license supports your project's long-term sustainability.
  • Highlight any customizations you made to the license to better fit your goals.
  • Remind users that they are free to fork the project under a different license if they disagree with your choice, as long as they comply with the original license terms.

Be prepared for the possibility that some users or potential contributors may choose not to use or engage with your project due to the license. This is a natural consequence of making a decision that best suits your project, and it's important not to compromise your goals to appease others.

Remember, choosing a license is a personal decision that should be based on your project's unique needs and goals. By standing firm in your licensing choices, you demonstrate confidence in your vision and commitment to the long-term success of your project.


Choosing the right license for your open source project is a crucial decision that can have long-lasting effects on its success, sustainability, and your personal goals. By carefully considering the implications of popular licenses like MIT, as well as your project's potential for growth and commercialization, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your vision.

Remember, as the author of the software, you have the power to determine what is allowed and what is not. Don't feel pressured to conform to popular licensing trends if they don't suit your needs. Instead, take the time to evaluate your project's unique requirements and craft a license that reflects your goals.

Be prepared for the possibility of disagreements, forks, and even commercial competitors arising from your open source project. While these situations can be challenging, standing firm in your licensing decisions and communicating your intentions clearly can help mitigate potential conflicts.

If you find that existing licenses don't quite fit your needs, don't hesitate to customize your own license, as demonstrated in the Remotion example. By using clear, plain language and specifying your terms, you can create a license that protects your interests while still allowing for collaboration and growth.

Step 1

Reflect on your personal goals and the potential outcomes of your open source project, considering factors such as sustainability, commercialization, and community involvement.

Step 2

Research and compare various open source licenses, paying close attention to their implications for your project's specific needs and your own preferences.

Step 3

If necessary, customize your license to strike the right balance between openness and protection, ensuring that it aligns with your project's goals and your personal values.

Step 4

Communicate your licensing decision clearly to your project's users and contributors, and be prepared to stand firm in your choice if challenged.

By approaching the licensing decision with care and thoughtfulness, you can set your open source project on a path to long-term success and sustainability while staying true to your personal goals and values.